Continuing Education Approval
This guidebook is for continuing education to align their course within Scope of Practice, Core Competencies, and advance the practice of health and wellness coaching.
Continuing Education is meant to protect and serve the public. Continuing Education that does not fully align with Scope of Practice and Core Competencies will be denied.
Course Approval Fees
1 CE | $150 |
2-11 CE | $200 |
12-24 CE | $400 |
25-36 CE | $600 |
37-48 CE | $800 |
49-60 CE | $1000 |
61+ CE | $1500 |
- Fees are annual
- Fees are per course
- Fees are based on the value of CEs per course
- Course CE value will be verified during the application process and must adhere to the NBHWC CE calculation methodology
- Fees are due upon approval and must be paid prior to advertising approval
- Fees are non-refundable
The Continuing Education Application is completed once your course is fully developed and ready for NBHWC CE Review.
Have Questions?
Please contact Continuing Education Coordinator at or 866-535-7929, ext. 4