HWC certifying
fee policy

Non-refundable Application Fee – $100

Exam Fee – $400

    • Exam fee will be refunded under the following circumstances:
      • the candidate applies but does not meet eligibility requirements;
      • an eligible candidate schedules a test day appointment with Prometric and cancels the appointment on or before:
Exam DatesDeadline for Refund
Summer 2024 Exam11:59PM on June 30, 2023
Fall 2024 Exam11:59PM on October 24, 2024

To request a refund prior to the date in the “Deadline for Refund” column above, please email support@NBME.org

The exam fee will not be refunded if:

  • an eligible candidate schedules a test day appointment and initiates the test session;
  • an eligible candidate schedules a test day appointment and does not cancel the appointment (i.e., is a “no-show”);
  • an eligible candidate schedules a test day appointment and cancels the appointment after the date in the “Deadline for Refund” column above.
    • Test day appointments must be canceled through Prometric prior to the “Deadline for Refund” to qualify for a refund.

Expenses Statement
NBHWC does not reimburse for any expenses incurred by examinees in preparation for taking the HWCE, even if the exam is canceled. This includes, but is not limited to travel expenses to sit for the exam, lodging, mileage, lost wages, and other expenses.

For Post-9/11 GI Bill Exam Reimbursement information, click here.

In the Event of Death or Physical Incapacity

NBHWC will consider partial refunds beyond the refund deadline in certain situations, wherein any of the following prevents an applicant from taking the HWC Certifying Examination. In the case of physical incapacity, the refund will be made only in instances of severe unavoidable and incapacitating circumstances. Documentation relative to death or physical incapacity must accompany any request for refund.

  1. Death, serious or disabling injury of a member of the applicant’s immediate family that occurred after the refund deadline, but prior to the administration of the examination which death, illness or injury is verified through the provision of a copy of the death certificate and/or a letter from a healthcare professional;
  2. Applicant’s serious disabling illness or injury or debilitating condition that occurred after the refund deadline, but prior to the administration of the examination and which illness or injury or condition is verified through the provision of a letter from a healthcare provider;
  3. Calamitous occurrences involving the applicant such as disorientation due to fire, flood or other severe disasters over which the applicant had no control.

Refunds due to the above circumstances will be approved for up to 75% of the exam fee.

To request a refund due to any of the above situations, please fill out the form below as soon as you are aware of the need to cancel the examination. Requests will be reviewed as they are received. NBHWC will notify you of the refund request status within 14 business days.

Requests sent beyond 14 days from the close of the examination cycle will not be reviewed.

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